What is the Registration & Procedure for 12AB Registration?
The procedure for registration under Section 12AB of the Income Tax act 1961 is not defined as such. However, these steps are required to be followed:-
The application for 12AB can be made by filing Form 10A online on the income tax site incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in.
Form Section 12AB is available on the income tax website under Income Tax Forms Section under the e-file menu which is visible after login on the website.
The application shall be made online to the appropriate authority by Filing Form 10A along with the requisite documents to the Commissioner or Principal Commissioner.
After reviewing the application Commissioner or Principal Commissioner shall pass an order granting approval or rejection within 3 months from the date of commencement of new provisions.
Further, in the case where Commissioner or Principal Commissioner is not satisfied that the charitable trusts or institution, etc. have complied with the objects mentioned or with any other law, shall cancel the registration of charitable institution etc. However, the authority will provide a reasonable opportunity of being heard before canceling the registration.