Start Your 80G/12A Certificate Today!

Apply For 80A 12G Registration Now

Get your NGO acknowledged & benifited from the Income tax of India. Neccesary compliance to give your entity broader and wider spread accorss the country.
Start With Confidence

Documents required for online Registration procedure under Section 12A and 80G

Company / Trust / Society registration certificates
Copy of PAN card of the directors / trustees
Copy of Aadhaar Card of the directors / trustees
Digital signature of one of the directors / trustees
By Laws of this company, AOA, MOA copies
Audit reports for all financial years since incorporation
Audited Financials for all financial years since incorporation

Introduction About 80G/12A Certificate

NGOs primarily rely on donations to support their operations. To claim tax exemptions for both donors and recipients, NGOs must register under 12A and 80G Registration in Delhi as per the Income Tax Act. However, the registration process for these sections can be complex and time-consuming, making it challenging for non-professionals to navigate.

Additionally, recent changes have made it mandatory for all NGOs that have already registered under 12A and 80G to re-register in order to continue enjoying the tax benefits. Furthermore, if an NGO aims to receive CSR funding, it must also register using Form CSR-1.

The 12A and 80G Registration in Delhi allows NGOs to access grants from government and international organizations. The registration certificate serves as valid proof of the NGO’s purpose and operations. All NGOs, whether trusts, companies, or societies, are eligible to avail tax exemptions. Additionally, this registration opens the door to FCRA registration benefits, further enhancing the NGO’s ability to receive funding and support.

Government Fees / Cost For 80G 12A Registration :



(All Inclusive)

Section 12AB registration Application for a Trust.

Easy EMI's Transparent Pricing


₹ 7999 / -

(All Inclusive)

Section 12AB registration Application for a Trust

Section 80G registration Application for a Trust

Easy EMI's Transparent Pricing


₹ 9299 /-

Section 12AB registration Application for a Trust

Section 80G registration Application for a Trust

Name Approval Application

Easy EMI's Transparent Pricing

Registration Under 80G

As per Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, when an NGO obtains 80G Registration in Delhi, its donors are allowed to reduce the amount of donation made from their total income. The proportion of the deduction allowed depends on the type of organization, thus incentivizing donors to contribute a part of their disposable income towards charitable causes.

How to Register Under Section 80G

Any NGO that wishes to register under Section 80G must be duly registered and should be working specifically towards charitable objectives. To register under 80G Registration in Delhi, the following steps need to be followed:

Application Filing - An application must be filed in Form 10A with the Commissioner of Income Tax – Exemption.

Document Submission - Important documents must be submitted as part of the application.

Document Review - Once the documents are submitted, they will be reviewed by the Commissioner. If additional documents or information are required, the Commissioner will request them, and they must be provided within the specified timeframe to avoid rejection.

Benefits of 80G Registration in Delhi

  • 80G Registration in Delhi boosts the credibility and prospects of any NGO.
  • Donors benefit from reduced taxable income, which encourages more contributions.
  • With 80G Registration, NGOs can attract more donors who are looking for tax-saving opportunities.
  • NGOs with 80G Registration in Delhi become eligible to receive government funds.
  • NGO owners can seek foreign contributions with fewer complications.

New terms of Registration and Re-registration under Section 80G and 12A

Provisional Registration: Newly established trusts applying for income tax registration will be granted provisional registration for three years. It will be due for renewal either upon commencement of activities or upon completion of 3 years.

Re-Registration: For re-registration under Section 80G and 12A, the tenure will be revalidated by income tax authorities for a period of 5 years, with renewal falling due upon completion of 5 years.

By obtaining 12A and 80G Registration in Delhi, NGOs can unlock a range of benefits, including enhanced credibility, tax deductions for donors, and eligibility for government and foreign funding.

National Defence Fund set up by the Central Government.

Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund.

National Foundation for Communal Harmony.

An approved university/educational institution of National eminence.

Zila Saksharta Samiti constituted in any district under the chairmanship of the Collector of that district.

Fund set up by a state government for the medical relief to the poor.

National Blood Transfusion Council or to any State Blood Transfusion Council.

National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, and Multiple Disabilities.

National Sports Fund.

National Cultural Fund.

Fund for Technology Development and Application.

National Children’s Fund.

Any fund set up by the State Government of Gujarat exclusively for providing relief to the victims of the earthquake in Gujarat.

Any trust, institution or fund to which Section 80G(5C) applies for providing relief to the victims of the earthquake in Gujarat (contribution made during January 26, 2001, and September 30, 2001)

Prime Minister’s Armenia Earthquake Relief Fund.

Africa (Public Contributions – India) Fund.

Clean Ganga Fund (applicable from FY 2014-15).

National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse (applicable from FY 2015- 16).

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

Prime Minister’s Drought Relief Fund

Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust

Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

List of Donations eligible for 100% deduction subject to 10% of adjusted gross total income

Donations to the government or any approved local authority, institution or association to be utilised to promote family planning

Donation by a company to the Indian Olympic Association or any other notified association or institution established in India to develop infrastructure for sports and games in India or sponsor sports and games in India.