The Processing time for registering an OPC is usually 5-7 working days

A one person company is a type of company that is owned and operated by a single individual. It combines the benefits of sole proprietorship and corporate structure, providing the owner with limited liability while allowing sole ownership. This business form is suitable for entrepreneurs who wish to manage their business independently.

Key Features of OPC

Single Owner

Limited Liability

Separate Legal Entity

Nominee Requirement

Start With Confidence

Documents Required for OPC Registration

The documents required for One Person Company Registration:

PAN card of the director and shareholder)
Aadhaar card of the director and shareholder
DIN of the director.
Address proof of the director and shareholder
NOC from the owner of the registered office
Rental agreement of the registered office (if it is a rented property)
Utility bills of the registered office (not older than two months)
MOA and AOA of the company
DSC of the director and shareholder
Passport-size photograph of the director and shareholder