Annual compliance for a company is the set of legal and regulatory obligations that a company must meet each year to remain in good standing with authorities. These obligations vary by business type and jurisdiction.

Penalties for Late Filing

Late Fees for MCA Filings: 100₹ per day for each form.

Late Filing of DIR-3 KYC: 5,000₹ per director.

Late Filing of Income Tax Return: 5,000₹ - 10,000₹.

Start With Confidence

Here is some Registrar Related Compliance

Registrar-Related Compliance Company Law Compliance Due Date
Declaration of Commencement of Business Form INC-20A Within 180 days of incorporation
Active KYC of the Company Form INC-22A Till April 25, 2019 (without late fine)
Directors' KYC Form DIR-3KYC Till April 30 (or declared by MCA)
Directors' Disclosure of Interest in Other Firms Form MBP-1 Within 30 days of the first board meeting
Directors' Disclosure of Non-Disqualification Form DIR-8 Within each financial year
Mandatory Appointment of Auditor Form ADT-1 Within 15 days of incorporation (can be filed post-first AGM)
Meetings of the Board of Directors - Minimum 4 meetings per year, maximum gap of 120 days
Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Within 6 months of the financial year's closure (first AGM within 9 months)
Annual Return Form MGT-7 Within 60 days of the AGM
Financial Statements Form AOC-4 Within 30 days of the AGM

Non-Registrar Compliances

In addition to the registrar-related compliance, private limited companies must also fulfill several non-RoC compliance requirements, which include:

Payment of periodic dues such as GST liability, TDS, TCS, advance tax, and professional tax (PTax).

Filing regular returns, including:

Monthly/Quarterly/Annual GST Returns

Quarterly TDS Returns

Filing Income Tax Returns

Half-yearly ESIC returns

Assessment of advance tax liability

Filing Tax Audit Report

Professional tax (PTax) returns

PF returns

Documents required for the Annual Filing of a Private Limited Company

Financial Statements:

Balance Sheet

Profit & Loss Account

Cash Flow Statement (if applicable)

Notes to Accounts

Auditor’s Report (if applicable)

Annual Return:

Form MGT-7 (for companies with share capital)

Form 21A (for companies without share capital)

Compliance Certificate:

Form 66 (for companies with paid-up capital between Rs. 10 lakh and Rs. 5 crore)

Additional Documents (May be required depending on the company's specific circumstances):

Board Resolutions:

Approving financial statements

Appointing auditors

Declaring dividends (if any)

AGM Minutes:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Other Relevant Documents:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Director’s Report

Registers maintained by the company (e.g., Register of Members, Register of Directors, etc.)

Statutory auditor's certificate (if applicable)

Cost auditor's report (if applicable)

Secretarial audit report (if applicable)

Other documents as may be required by the MCA or relevant laws

Important points to keep in mind

It’s essential to ensure all documents are duly signed and certified as per the Companies Act, 2013 and relevant rules.

The specific documents required may vary depending on the company's size, industry, and any specific events or transactions that occurred during the financial year.